June, 2013
Beijing, China
Working Language:Russian
The aim is to provide experiences on technology transfer in China for the participants; to strength cooperation and exchanges in the field of technology transfer with Russian-speaking countries.
1. Status quo of China’s international technology transfer; 2. Status quo of China’s S&T industrialization and opportunities in China’s cooperation with Russian-speaking countries; 3. The practices and success case study of China’s international technology transfer with Russian-speaking countries; 4. China’s intellectual property right protection relating to international technology transfer; 5. Introduction of China’s networks of international S&T cooperation and technology transfer, training and practicing; 6. Exploring the mode of China’s S&T cooperation with Russian-speaking countries project presentation and match-making; 7. Site visits of technology transfer agencies; 8. Site visits of enterprises cooperating with Russian-speaking countries; 9. Round-table meeting.
Shanghai Co-way International Technology Transfer Center Co., Ltd. Address:Room 813, Building 2, 100 Qinzhou Road, Shanghai, P. R. China Postcode:200235 Coordinator:Deng Tingmei Tel:86-21-54975808 Fax:86-21-54975310 E-mail:tingmei.deng@co-way.com.cn