September, 2016
Shenyang, China
Working Language:English
The aim is to introduce the latest research results and advanced operative technologies of northern primary crops especially in cultivating and breeding, IPM, food safety in China; to increase grain production capacity among other developing countries; to raise urban residents’ income and reduce impoverishment; to promote the sustainable utilization of agricultural resources; to promote S & T cooperation and exchange in agricultural technologies between China and other developing countries.
1. Rice production for high water use efficiency, high yield and quality;
2. Hybrid rice seed production technique;
3. Symiotic production technique in paddy field;
4. Green rice production technique;
5. High yielding maize production technique;
6. Hybrid maize seed production technique;
7. Hybrid soybean seed production technique;
8. Oil crops production for high yield and quality;
9. Root and tuber crops production for high yield and quality.
Shenyang Agricultural University
Address: Dongling Road 120, Shenyang, P.R. China
Postcode: 110866
Coordinator: Li Zhi
Tel: 86-24-88487084
Fax: 86-24-88417416