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Introduction of the China-EU Science and Technology
Cooperation Promotion Office (CECO)

In December 22, 1998 a science and technology cooperation agreement was signed between the People's Republic of China and European Union. Accordingly the EU will open to China its 5th Research and Technology Development Framework Programme of which the total budget is about 15 billion euro. At the same time the Chinese side will also open to EU and its member states the national 863 and 973 research programmes. The cooperation principle is: Joint research with shared cost and shared results.        

To promote more Chinese institutions and researchers involved into the EU's framework research programme, the Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST) of China  determined to establish the "China-EU Science and Technology Cooperation Promotion Office" (CECO). CECO serves information dissemination, EU partner searching as well as special consulting to customers during their application procedure. CECO has got and will get support from the EU delegation in Beijing as well as the Chinese Embassy in Brussels.

CECO is a non-profit organization specialized in offering consultation and guidance to the Chinese research organizations, companies and public authorities to participate in the EU research programme. CECO is under the leadership of MOST, China, attaching to China Science and Technology Exchange Centre (CSTEC).


  • To trace, understand and analyse EU science and technology policy as well as the development of the Framework Programme. As the results the CECO will give out reports as well as translations of relative EU documents periodically;

  • To publish information on the EU policy, Framework Programme and China - EU cooperation progress to the Chinese enterprises and research institutions through internet, publications and conferences??

  • To study EU research programme and skill in application procedure. It will also establish partnerships with relevant organizations in the EU member states??

  • To support Chinese research organizations, enterprises and researchers to find European partners??

  • To offer consultation and guidance to Chinese partners in application process??

  • To organize conferences and receive delegations within the framework of China-EU sicence and technnology cooperation, according to the arrangement given by the Department of International Cooperation, MOST, China??

  • To introduce the Chinese 863 and 973 Research Programmes to the European side and give consultation to those who need??

  • To keep close contact with the Science and Technology Office of EU delegation in Beijing seeking for help and support. At request of the EU side and approved by MOST, CECO can also undertake tasks assigned by EU.

Essential requirement to participate in the EU Framework Programme:

  • More than 3 partners from at least 3 countries (including China)

  • Each partner performs research

  • Partners should be complementary, e.g.

    • Research providers (universities, research centres)

    • Companies(producers, distributors, users)

    • Authorities and associations

  • Typically a project lasts 3 –4 years

  • The budget can be 1 to 5 million euro

  • One of the research partner is the co-ordinator

Science/technology programme areas are:

  • Environment, energy and sustainable development

  • Product innovation, material research, measurement standard and transport

  • Food, health, agriculture, ageing populations

  • Information society, communication technology

  • Development in agriculture, health, environment and policy research

All Chinese partners who participate in the EU framework programme will get support both from MOST, China and the European Commission.

If interested in participation of a project within the EU Framework Programme, Chinese researchers should express their interest to the European counterparts, for example by sending a short description of a project idea. Another approach is through the interactive partner search facility at the web site or to use the web site.

Chinese scientists aged up to 40 years can visit any Shared-Cost Action project partner in Europe and receive a bursary for up to 6 months. The application must be made by one of the project partners together with the original project application. If interested in an INCO-Bursary, a young scientist should contact European researchers who are in the process of preparing a project application.


Web site for CECO?
Web site for the European research news?o

Office contacts:

Director?o Mr. Huang Xing
Consultant?o Mr. Xin Mingyui
Project officer?oMme. Ren Shiping


?a Division of European Affairs of the Department of International Cooperation, MOST, China
Mr. Yin Jun and Mr. Hu Mu
Address?o 15B Fuxing Road, Beijing
Tel?o +8610-58881350
Fax?o +8610-58881354

?a China-EU Science and Technology Cooperation Promotion Office
Address?o 12 Zhongguancunnandajie Beijing
Tel?o +8610-62140202??62140505
FAx?o +8610-62140505

?a European Delegation in Beijing
Mr. J. Sanders and Ms. Zhang Haihua
Address?o15 Dongzhimenwaidajie Rd. Beijing
Tel?o +8610-6532 4443 Ext. 214 and 278
Fax?o +8610-6532 4342


Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science