Not long ago, a basic study of accelerator-driven clean nuclear energy physics and technology, sponsored by the National 973 Program, passed a verification check. In the past 5 years, the project had completed a range of studies concerning optimization of ADS scheme, basic physics of ADS reactor, nuclear physics and materials of ADS, low energy proton RFQ accelerator, and ECR ion sources. Researchers have landed the following major accomplishments: proposed the design for a critical unit of fast heating coupling, developed an experimental ADS critical unit of fast heating coupling named Phosphor I, and realized the first instance of low fuel concentration for an experimental ADS sub-critical unit; working on a low energy proton RFQ accelerator, with the completed mainframe assembly and ongoing sub-system tuning; the accelerator?痵 ECR ion source parameters reached an advanced level matching its overseas counterparts, with a fine solution to the secondary bouncing bombardment of electrons, which increase the life span of ion sources; created an ADS nuclear database, the third of its kind in the world following the United States and Japan, with its secondary ion database internationally acknowledged as the best.