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ZnO Short Wave Laser Developed

Key technologies for ZnO based short-wave laser, a project undertaken by Nanjing University and Shanghai Institute of Optical Machinery, a part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under the initiative of the National 863 Program, has achieved substantive progresses. Through more than a thousand experiments on materials growth and the associated techniques in the past three years, researchers have worked out a ZnO based PN LED that emits blue and yellow lights under an indoor temperature ??/span>29????.The efforts have found technical solutions to a number of sophisticated issues concerning ZnO materials growth, including MOCVD, ZnO single crystal preparation, ZnO film material growth and mixing, and ohmic contact.  Researchers also rolled out a line of proprietary technologies, including ZnO single crystal underlaying, ZnO metal MOCVD, ZnO MOCVD extension, and ZnO p-type mixing control and activation. The event makes another major development in ZnO LED preparation, following the successful molecular extension realized by the Japan Northeast University. It development marks that China has become an international leader in the area.


Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science