Since the implementation of the 10th five-year plan, China?痵 S&T intermediary services have entered a new development phase. With more than 70,000 S&T intermediary services and a staff over 1.2 million, China?痵 service capacity for innovation activities has been noticeably enhanced.
China has more than 500 service centers working for high tech spin-offs, ranking second in the world. China?痵 33,213 incubators, cradles for small and medium-sized S&T businesses, have secured a total revenue of RMB 148.11 billion, with 11,718 graduated enterprises on a combined basis.
1,218 productivity promoting centers in the nation have provided services for 92,133 enterprises in 2004. Their services added RMB 64.2 billion to industrial sales revenues, and RMB 8.8 billion to earnings and taxes paid, in addition to 1.75 million jobs created.
China has 42 national campus S&T parks, from which graduated 1,256 enterprises, with a total industrial output of RMB 13.1 billion. In 2004, 5,037 enterprises were incubated in campus S&T parks, produced a total revenue of RMB 23.5 billion, and taxes paid RMB 1.2 billion.
China?痵 technology market has witnessed 990,000 technology contracts inked on a combined basis, with a total volume of RMB 408.5 billion, or 250% up compared with the preceding 5-year period. S&T evaluation organizations in the country have augmented to 100 in number, with a working population approaching a thousand. China?痵 S&T consulting industry also enjoys a boom that resulted in a working population of hundred thousands and an annual revenue over RMB 30 billion. |