A coal related technology and policy talk between China and Japan was held recently. The Department of High and New Technology, a part of China Ministry of Science and Technology and the Department of Resources and Energy, affiliated to Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, are the co-sponsors of the meeting. Japanese experts on coal utilization and new energy technology development, and Chinese experts working for energy component under the National 863 program attended the meeting. Japanese expert made a presentation on Japan?痵 long and medium term plan for coal industry. Official from the Department of High and New Technology briefed the participants about the current and future development of China?痵 clean coal technology. Japanese side expressed wishes to cooperate with China in promoting the diffusion of clean coal technology.
Both sides agreed to further their exchanges on a regular basis, and enhance information exchanges between two nations, through collaboration with the international community. Both sides pledged to look for possible fields for future cooperative development, in a joint effort to ensure the stable coal supply and diffusion of clean coal technology in Asia. |