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New Findings on Disease Genes

Study of functional genome and associated biochips, a major special S&T project initiated by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, has screened out 1,500 new genes involving major human biofunctions and diseases. Of them, 160 are of promising perspectives for further development, 24 (I-genes) are potential candidates for new products, and 8 proprietary new genes have entered the pre-phase study for new drugs, in collaboration with enterprises or research institutes. Major new findings include:

1)      A new CYP-J has been screened out and verified for new drug target. The effort has resulted in 15 interactive precursor composites, of which a YCZ001 produces apparent prohibiting effects on in-vitro liver cancer.

2)      An ELISA testing kit has been developed for gene MXR-7, a new marker for diagnosing liver cancer. The kit is currently under an extended clinical trial. In addition, researchers are working on genes FP248 and PP2250, markers for diagnosing liver cancer with blood samples, and three others genes, including HCRP 1, p28 GANK, and CT120, that are valuable for pathological study of tissues.

3)      Progresses have been made on identifying the genes causing leukemia, and associated genesis mechanism. Researchers discovered 3 new chromosome transposals and associated affected genes involving leukemia, and established a ??secondary attack?¯ theory to elaborate the sudden mutation process. Researchers also treated 20 acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) cases with ATRA and Arsenic trioxide. Tracking study of 8-30 months has shown a full remission. The innovative therapeutic approach creates the first instance of curable adult leukemia. When applying APL genetic target theory to other leukemia cases, researchers found a combined effect of STI571 and As2O3 in inducing cell withering, and the same combined effect of STI571 and As4S4 on CML, using BCR-ABL as the targets.

Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science