A China-UK workshop on food-born pathogenic bacteria, an activity jointly initiated by the China Biotech Development Center and UK Food Biotech Research Council for the UK Science Year of 2005, was recently held in Beijing. Attending the workshop were ten UK experts form the UK Food Institute, UK Institute of Animal Health, Leicester University, and Bristol University, and a dozen Chinese scientists from the China Disease Control and Prevention Center (including the Institute of Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control, Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, and Institute of Viral Diseases Prevention and Control under its banner), Peking University, Nankai University, Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, and Huanan Polytechnic University?? 20 scientific lectures were presented on interesting topics, including food-borne pathogenic microorganisms and food safety, vaccines, adhering and regulation mechanism, quantitative study of dangerous biological elements, and genome and proteomics. Dr. Sanders, Science Counselor of EU Mission in Beijing was invited to speak about the new round of bidding for food quality and security project under the 6th EU Framework Program. |