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China?痵 First 64-bit CPU
Thanks to nearly 2-year painstaking efforts, China has rolled out its first generic 64-bit CPU featured with high performance, jointly announced on April 18, 2005 by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Ministry of Information Industry. Named as Longxin II, the thumb sized square chip gathers 13.5 million transistors, with a peak capacity of 2 billion calculations per second for a single accuracy check, and 1 billion calculations per second under a dual accuracy check. The new chip registers a maximum frequency of 500MHz, and a power consumption ranging from 3 to 5 watts, much lower than the similar products manufactured overseas. It reaches 1.3 GHz for actual performance tested under a standard testing procedure, or 2 to 3 times that of a VIA processor. Longxin II upgrades performance by ten times that of Longxin I, in a period of time as short as 22 months.
As the first Chinese made generic high performance CPU in 64-bit, the new system supports diverse applications, including Windows, desktop systems, Internet browsing, DVD playing among many others. Longxin II has its strength in accommodating low-cost information products. The new chip will, together with its existing and future sisters under the same product line, constitute series chips for embedded, desktop, server and high performance applications. Longxin II promises broad application perspectives, as it is designed mainly for Linux based desktop network terminals, low-end servers, network firewalls, Router switching, multimedia network terminals, and disk free workstations.
Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science