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China?痵 Cow Sex Control Project

A project to optimize the fast reproduction of fine cow species through gender control technology has found successful diffusion in the Daqing City. Approved by the State Development and Reform Commission, the technology has led to the birth of China?痵 first commercial application of the said technology in stock reproduction. The new reproduction farm has since last year produced 385 calves, of which 353 are females, with a gender control accuracy reaching 92%. The farm claims a current daily production capacity of 250 straws for sex controlled frozen semen, with a limited amount of embryos through the same process. The farm expects an expanded sex control production capacity up to 300,000 straws and 5000 embryos at the end of the year.

Started in 2000, the farm gave birth to China?痵 first sex control calf on November 2003. Tests have shown that the technology used has a successful artificial insemination rate higher than overseas record by 15%. Using the technology, the stock upgrading cycle can be shortened from a conventional 10-year to current 3-year or even shorter. The technology can also be used in reproduction and improvement of beef, sheep and deer. 

Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science