News-Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technology PRC
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Three Gorge Project More Innovations
Statistics show that the construction of the Three Gorge Project had in the past decade produced some ten S&T awards at the national level, more than 200 S&T awards at the provincial level, and over 700 invention patent applications.
During the period, numerous S&T findings and results found applications in the project, including assembly-line like concrete filling, deep-water current blockading and cofferdam construction, computer control system, advanced explosion techniques, metal structures for massive concrete filling, and manufacturing and installation of machinery and equipment.
The Three Gorge Project has worked on the following major R&D endeavors: developing major facilities and equipment needed by the project, reviewing eight individual technologies, studying the key issues concerning water hub projects, and developing set equipment for water hub projects. The research efforts have involved diverse disciplines, including sand and mud, shipping, hydrology, geology, water works, construction, building materials, metal structures, machinery and equipment, ecological environment, and cultures. In addition to the direct involvement of researchers from design, construction and supervision departments, several thousand researchers from some ten research institutes and universities are engaged in the research activities assigned by the project. The project has rolled out more than 2,000 S&T reports.
Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science