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Proprietary Man-like Robot
A real-man sized robot made its debut at a major S&T achievements show staged on September 18, 2005, under a national initiative for the 10th Five-year period. The man-like robot played Taiji boxing and swords. The robot, named Huitong, is 1.6m tall, weighing 63 kg, and built with visual, verbal and other sensing functionalities. The event makes China second country following Japan in the world able to incorporate mechanisms, control, sensors, and power source in the robot.
Using sophisticated mimic technologies, Huitong can imitate man?痵 sophisticated acts, the first of its kin in the world. Designed to sense the variations in body equilibriums and surface altitudes, the robot can steadily walk forward, backward, and sideward, turn around, climb steps, and even walk on an unfeatured terrain.
Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science