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China-France Joint Doctorate Fellowship
    The Chinese and French governments have recently launched a joint fellowship program for doctorate students, in a move to forge a close and long lasting relationship between the two nations in the field of science and technology. The initiative makes the cooperation disciplines that have been defined by the two governments as the priorities fields to be financed. They include biology and biotechnology, medical science, environment, material science, mathematics, information science, agronomy, telecommunication, electronics, aeronautics and space, chemistry, energy, earth science, and cosmology.
    The fellowship recipient can pursue a study either for a Chinese doctorate, or a French doctorate, or a dual doctorate jointly issued by both Chinese and French authorities. Under the initiative, the fellowship recipient will be trained in both China and France on a rotational basis, with a joint tutorship for their doctorate thesis.
    One can consult the following websites for more information on qualification requirements, application procedures, financing, and actions needed:‵rench??
Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science