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Proprietary Supersonic Bone Knife
    China?痵 first supersonic bone knife, developed by Tsinghua University, was recently put into operation at the Xinqiao Hospital affiliated to the No. 3 Military Medical School. A hard bone can be instantly reduced to a light ray of smoke under the attack of highly focused supersonic waves, using a wire-thick knife tip to touch the target bone. The operation lefts no damages to the surrounding nerves and blood vessels.
    According to a briefing, the knife can converse electric energy into a mechanic one through a special conversion unit. Using highly focused supersonic waves, the knife can vaporize the tissues or cells it touches, or break up protein hydrogen links, so as to thoroughly destroy the target bone tissues. The knife tip produces a temperature lower than 80?? in operation, with an influence range less than 5 micrometers. Designed for the bone tissues with a specific hardness, the supersonic waves cause no damages to blood vessels or nerve tissues, but rather suppress blood flows at the wounds. It reduces the wound size, while greatly raising the accuracy, reliability, and safety of operation. The bone knife can be used in operations that need to cut bones, including spiral column repairing, brain opening, and bone repairing.
Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science