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Successive Copper Reserves

    A project to develop a successive resources finding technology for large copper mines, a key initiative under the National Key Technology Program for the 10th Five-year period, has achieved noticeable progresses. The project revealed the property differences of inner rocks deeply rooted in the Tongling Fenhuangshan copper mines, through an analysis of the surrounding geophysical tectonics. The findings provide reference evidences for further prospecting. Researchers made a prediction of new target areas based on the latest mining clues, using combined geological, geophysical, and geochemical approaches. Through an integrated analysis of the abnormalities comparing the newly found abnormal areas with the primary areas, and the existing mines, researchers predict a copper reserve of 500,000 tons or above, based on the scale and quality prediction of the exposed mines in the abnormal areas. A test drill along the 108-109 section south of the Kangjiawan Mine validates the prediction for over 600,000 tons of metals and 1,000 tons of silver in three lead and zinc mines. Using the same technique, the Shandong Zhaoyuan Xinzhuang Gold Mine validates 5 potential mining sites, of which two have produced high gold content ores. The efforts provide valuable scientific evidences for locating the second gold rich site in the area, with a predicted gold reserve amounting to 50 tons, promising a fine economic and social prospect.


Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science