News-Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technology PRC
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Making Counties Wealthy with S&T
Pursuant to an action plan to build the capacity of both counties and their people with S&T means, and an interim method for managing the special fund for such activities, the Ministry of Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, selected 89 counties and townships to be the beneficiaries of the initiative.
The special project is designed to build up a range of special pillar industries that are able to uplift local areas and bring up more earnings for farmers. As a long term project to build up fortune making capacity of these counties and their people, the initiative is set to accelerate S&T advancement and public S&T services at the county and township levels, providing an enhanced S&T support for a full-fledged, coordinated, and sustainable economic and social development. Priorities will be placed on the middle and west sections and some underdeveloped areas in the east section. Every year a number of counties and townships will be selected to implement S&T projects, through which some 500 proven technologies will be diffused. The project will, in a period of 3 to 5 years, make about 300 selected counties and townships be part of the special action. These role model counties and townships will in turn lead some 1000 other counties and townships to build up their fortune making capacity, using projects as the carrier.
In a circular notice issued recently, provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions are required to get prepared for the implementation with concrete action plans. Localities are also asked to make funds and policies ready for the effort, and to strengthen the supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation. Local authorities concerned are required to pay great attention to the implementation, and to strengthen their guidance roles using effecting measures, ensuring a quality implementation with valid results.
Sponsor:Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Science and Technoplogy PRC
Maintenance:China Science & Technology Exchange Center
Technical support:Intergrated Information System Research Center Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Science