To move forward the Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, the Briefing on Talented Young Scientist Program (TYSP) sponsored by the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology and organized by China Science and Technology Exchange Center (CSTEC), was convened in Beijing on March 31, 2015. With the theme on S&T partnership programs (STEP) and young scientist exchanges, the briefing not only focused on relevant policies on the China-ASEAN STEP, China-South Asia STEP, China-Arab STEP and China-Africa STEP, but also gave a snapshot of TYSP. Attendees include science diplomats from 26 Asian and African countries along the “Belt and Road”, joined by participants and host institutes of TYSP.
At the meeting, Mr. Chen Linhao, Deputy Director General of International Cooperation of MOST, briefed the audience on the background and supporting measures of STEP. Ms. Wang Yan, Deputy Director General of CSTEC, talked about the platform of personnel exchanges. Presentation was also made on implementation measures of TYSP. Scientists from Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Myanmar and representatives from Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Shanghai Jiao Tong University delivered their reports on execution of TYSP.
The briefing aroused enthusiasm of the audience and gave them the whole picture of STEP and TYSP, which will be helpful for them to be involved in these programs in the future.
Background information: Scientist exchanges play a very important role in strengthening pragmatic cooperation in the “Belt and Road” region. MOST initiated TYSP in 2013, supporting talented Asian and African young scientists under the age of 45 to conduct research at Chinese research institutes, universities and enterprises for 6 to 12 months. Up to now, a total of 57 young scientists from 10 Asian and African countries have been invited to conduct joint research in 16 Chinese provinces and municipalities in the fields of agriculture, health, physics, eco-environment and equipment manufacturing, etc. CSTEC is responsible for facilitating the implementation of the program. (For more information, please log on to